Tackle These 3 Project Management Pain Points To Unlock Excellence

Tackle These 3 Project Management Pain Points to Unlock Excellence

How we manage projects can either keep our teams in sync and on track or lead to one fire after another. And if you’ve got poor project management, then you probably feel more like a firefighter than a leader in your business. 

Sound familiar? You’re not alone. Many of us grapple with common project management pain points that seem to come with the territory. But here’s some good news: you don’t have to put up with them. 

There’s often simple, cost-effective solutions. Here’s a few you can evaluate today: 

Pain Point #1: Lack of Clear Communication Channels

Ever played the telephone game as a kid? Messages start at one end, but by the time they reach the other, they’ve morphed into something entirely different. Unfortunately, this isn’t just a childhood game – it’s a reality many of us face in project management. Unclear communication channels can lead to misunderstandings, delays, and a whole lot of headaches. Some details are in this massive group text thread, others are in a back and forth email with some bcc’d, and other details were quickly shouted over the phone when you were driving from one meeting to the next and nothing got written down. 

It’s not really difficult to see how this can lead to a breakdown in communication and for some people to be lost or working on the wrong things. This derails project timelines and hinders outcomes. 

The antidote? Get clear on where important info should be. Consider leveraging communication platforms like Slack or Bloomfire that’s easy to access from the office or the field. Or choose a project management system that comes with built-in chat features.

Pain Point #2: Manual Data Entry and Reporting

Manual data entry and reporting are like the administrative version of a hamster wheel – time-consuming, repetitive, and prone to errors. Think about the hours spent inputting data manually, cross-checking information, or generating reports. Time that could be better spent strategizing or innovating. 

It’s the era of AI…the very least we can do is allow basic automation and integrations to help us out. If you’re considering new systems, choose ones that speak to each other. If you’re happy with your tech stack, then consider using Zapier or other third-party automation tools to help with integrations. Automated data entry and reporting not only saves time but also increases accuracy.

Pain Point #3: Fragmented Task Management

Think of your project as a jigsaw puzzle. If all the pieces aren’t in one place, putting it together becomes an uphill battle. This is what fragmented task management feels like – tasks scattered across different platforms, leading to inefficiencies and overlapping responsibilities.

Fragmented task management makes me think of when I’m trying to complete a puzzle but I don’t realize my toddler has stolen some pieces and scattered them around the floor (or even in a totally different room). Frankly, a lot of projects in the real world look like this and it makes completing a project without emergencies feel impossible. 

Centralizing your task management helps avoid these challenges and keeps everyone on the same page. Consider an industry specific platform, such as ProCore for commercial construction, or a generalized platform like Monday.com

What does excellence look like?

Project management doesn’t have to be a minefield of inefficiencies. Addressing these three common pain points – unclear communication channels, manual data entry and reporting, and fragmented task management – can pave the way to improved productivity and profitability.

When there’s excellence in your PM approach, you’ll have confidence, clarity, and a streamlined approach with minimal fires to put out.

For guidance on eliminating these pain points on your team, schedule a consultation! Remember, every step towards streamlining your operations is a step towards business excellence. Let’s tackle these challenges head-on.


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